22h22 hours ago

Imagine being a political party whose burning mission is to take health care away from sick people because a black president gave it to them.

Recall merely the Orange-Disaster's M.O. from Day 1:
UN-DO exactly everything which Unnamed-[Black-Person-1] ever did, in office (while completely oblivious-to
/unaware-of ... any consequences to anyone besides his own vengeance re that traditional Press Roast.)

Could a 3-yo possibly maintain an unending pique (after a scolding?) Would we not take him to a Dr.?
Could he be in need of medical care? Right now?
Petition to Secret Service: Get Him to a Nunnery Medico Monday. Save. Him!

We've tried about everything else.. Is there a maverick guy/gal in the SS? "Call it an EMERGENCY."
"We had to do this; we feared a heart-attack, spleen rupture, melt-down:.." Pick one or all.
Yes, I KNOW, but we must now fall-back on Common Sense 101-Remedial.

..can we get a million signatures tomorrow? Otherwise.. Fuck It. The suspense shall likely induce a few hundred individual seppukus/week.