...but started to feel he was on clay feet as time went on and he became ever more raging loony-right, politically. I read Chaos Manor religiously on paper, in Byte back in the late eighties / early (mid-?)nineties, but only sporadically on the Web since I stumbled over it there some ten or fifteen years ago. Likewise, his fiction went from "Cool, rockets and laser guns!" to ever more "Blast the aliens, rah rah!" Gung-ho, so I stopped following him there too.

* He did write quite a lot of good stuff, both with others but also alone.
* From all I hear — like John Scalzi's farewell(*) — he was a tireless and even-handed champion of SF in general.
* Those old Byte columns were a godsend for many, and quite entertaining — often even in the way intended — for the rest of us. (I graduated from the former category in part thanks to them.)
* But perhaps above all, he tried to make us — mankind — take A Step Farther Out, a goal I whole-heartedly agree with.

(*): Ah. One of the last comments, must have been added after I read the page, explains a lot.