is that:
Damn near Anyone! operating with a near-full deck/in any Language/in any Locale, and necessarily possessing experience of their own Greedy Mofos™ [this sociopathy Is after all, species-wide]
... these all recognize the fact that: once you have *pegged such a one, you fucking-Know: never allow such a One one to come anywhere near your own Health, Wealth or Sanity.

* and, your being prudent and Not a sociopath, such "pegging" must be attached wisely, not by mere random gossip and like that.
Otherwise: logic, Truthiness in her pretty-blue dress Fails. As with some plurality of the current dis-US Congress. AND with a %sufficient of the 'populace'.

Look, I am become Death! a Vulture Capitalist, the Destroyer of Societies.
Rest case; it seems that we are, indeed Fucked until sanity decides to return (unless it has Migrated permanently?)