in The Nightmare President ..such a concise description.

all of which points to a need for everyone to view The President's Analyst, a '67 flic with James Coburn, Godfrey Cambridge, Arte Johnson--of Laugh-In!--which would be a hoot even without the n! compounded Evil
of all the reactionary nut-cases ..soon to be sabotaging every Dept. of Government etc. ad nauseum.

As it's very title points out.. lo these near-50 years later: the fact that this carney barker drastically needs a Shrink, probably will forever be in Denial about that, and shall therefore: aid greatly in furthering the entire planet's destruction-for-most-mammals. Not to mention the final Dis(solution) of the former U. S. of A. (probably in a state of internecine warfare as horrific as any of the dystopian infotainment plots extant.) I may have to simply disconnect from the daily reports of the Madness of King Drumpf, else lose all endorphins and join all the other zombies..

PS: PBS's Film School Shorts includes a Tale of Murican Fast-Food premeditated skullduggery, meriting that level of Guffaw reserved for Bald-assed Truthiness! I wot. We're SUCH a sleazy generation of vipers [© Philip Wylie]
Our Culture (#410H) Duration: 29:00 STEREO TVPG-VL
If the gangsters of Martin Scorsese's Goodfellas got into the fast food business, Foodfellas would result. Directed by Reuben Guberek. And as wrote, Culture is "The best 60 seconds of film you'll see at Sundance."
cf. at end: Trash Cat, complete with the Apple 'Dock'

Ed: Let's start Drumpf's term with an Impeach Donald Drumpf campaign funded by all zillionaires with some perspective about the uselessness of their 'wealth'--from a cave.