Kinda liked (on just a quick scan; will read more of the always outré ribbonfarm ..anon)
Each time we become aware of bad fit in the world – traffic, getting sore from sitting in a chair too long, a moment of loneliness, a software malfunction – we are tempted to nod along with the Unabomber that industrialization was a mistake.

So we can understand, a little bit, why technological change triggers a sacredness immune response. Technology threatens the fragile order with which humans orient themselves. Technology threatens to tear the fabric of society, and even to carve up humans themselves into separate functions. Previous structures of meaning may not survive.

Technological de-condensation is a kind of logical analysis, and logical analysis is very impolite in sacred matters. Technology breaks down unified structures and demonstrates that they are partible. Christopher Alexander describes a “loss of innocence” when using logical, instead of intuitive (sacredness-respecting), means for design: {. . .]
aka (por moi) Super-string Theory can't hold a candle to any genuine metaphysical insights and, Thank Cthulhu: there ain't-Never gonna be {some Algorithm App [?] for $1000-a-pop?}
which will just do *That* sorta Work for the mentally/emotionally lazy.) I wot.

Thanks. Keeps the little grey cells tuned up, ignition advance and injector-timing: ✓
(Following a 1.5 hour YouTube iPhone 6S+ How-To decidedly orthogonal to any actually meaningful endeavour of intellect)
it's more like "the moving brain's" forte; whatcha Get: is merely 'muscle memory', at best. Not Content, Right?