evoked but not concluded. I doubt that my imagination is up-to an incisive evaluation of what's Rightest? /Wrongest! about current info handling--a preposterously-Large topic to circumnavigate, since we know so little about how "our" bloody-jelloware assimilates.. Anything! (with some modest permanence.)

'68! Again. This nascent bit of information-brainstorming was occurring ..While cop adrenalin-besotted Goons were battling the demonstrators at the Demo Convention, in Year Zero (On my scale: the Ref. Point for a subsequent, un-arrested decline in all areas, of the USA unto this day.) A [-] slope, ramped-down by dead-JFK and accelerated via the other assassinations into '68, especially: taking out RFK and leaving way open for Nixon. Etc.

Talk about "the world of opposites" ... just in setting This scene, eh? What SORT-of Information is utterly-Vital, eh? ..especially: next.
Will ponder anon your points; maybe I too need to stop-worrying-and-Love-the-Bomb?

B/W Tee Vee: {{brownish fumes roil across a denuded plain ... then on to a cityscape, sirens}}
Twilight Zone? A large silvery missile-object is Stopped-in-Time, just some feet above the observer (whose Special/rilly-strange clock just found, seemed to have a button for "STOP"? IIRC) The time frame is clear: CCCP is stenciled in red letters. Un-push the STOP or ?

So Here we Are: INFORMATION next can ameliorate a variety of looming nightmares IF ONLY it can be fed somehow to those most-in-need, while simultaneously canceling-out the legions of the voluntarily demented. Need lots more lore on the B. O. S. Brain Operating system.

Nope, just off-hand.. I think that's way beyond my pay-scale, though if getting and spending remains the pay-grade-limit for the whole damn species--???--well..