Indeedy, That Question-set and ... arrival at some sane rationale for the need for and methods leading to: many-fewer homo-saps infesting a planet already dying ..of our Me-Me-Me Disease (and the jillions of ergs spent by unimaginative 1%-ers: on various gold-toys (and all the cyanide tailings a Colorado river can disgorge))
and that, just in Today's "news" ... never-mind the last decades of enviro-horror-shows.

Pity that nobody Knoze how to galvanize people away from the boob-tube, then a million guitar-riffs reused to make iTunes fatter-yet, and all the other symptoms of terminal-Affluenza: now lusted-after mightily by The Chinese ... all WANTING a Big-finned Cadillac of the '50s.

Technically WE CAN Do This! it is ~~ clear; but so long as Incorrigible!! is the interstellar Homo-sap Sig? Well ... you know ... :-/
