Degenerate matter for instance (aside from its associations in wet-ware), spawns a whole set of sub-categories (strange matter: consisting of strange quarks.)

It seems that these-all shall always be gedanken experiments, given the limitations of a septillion-tonne home planet, as never shall provide a safe lab
for any conceivable experimental verifications. Theoretical physics can't return from its meta- trajectory now; Pauli, Heisenberg: meet The Buddha
(Is that a Heh! or not?)

I tried (not quite valiantly) to envision some of the math eqns. re 'holes' in semiconductors; then some (quadruple integral?) of Mass, Space, Time + consciousness:
much as Hofstadter did in Sci. Am. in looking at the beauty of a Chopin score, as written on paper. Wrong medium, I guess.