May this Anniversary crowd be inspired to focus-->Attention upon the do-able, the sane, the Necessary-next tasks.
A Tall Order, that--the organizers must hone, refine, rehearse! a compelling series of messages, with simple words but in no way simplistic points.
..All that: without a MLK to edit.

Natch I hope.. ... ... ... that yours is a more balanced overview of our prospects.

But the QUESTION: In. Time. ???
looms Large in my jaundiced view of the prospects for self-education of the Consumptive er, Consuming Masses:
as the Chinese already exceed (in first-derivative of Change) the voracious/limitless appetites of Muricans
(who are now constrained by their imminent-pauperhood / as is doomed to be maintained via Forces who utterly control their any prospects for
... anything resembling a sane distribution of the National Net Worth. Ever.)

Tangled web..

:-) :-/ :-) :-/ (crap shoot, that is.)