This thread, brief as it is, momentarily restores a soupçon of respect for a species mostly noted for its Ostrich-viewpoint on any matter needing [actual] original thought.

Thanks guys (n'estwhile Gals) for your functioning wetware--as is, often--an antidote to having mistakenly READ some of the "replies" many topics: Elsewhere on the Intarweb--where nowadays the primitive bloviations outnumber sensible opinions: Oh.. about 100:1?

Now I think I'll have a snort of something consciousness-altering, as reward for some hours of raking / separating Rocks from dead walnuts, other detritus, aka mind-numbing but ...
rejuvenating! ... shit-work for the best kind of meditation: Pointless.

Carrion in the bathyscaphe of diving into the deep(-do-do).

Ed: oTyp