Newspapers were at the stage where all the photos were from stringers. No staff photographers any more. Cheaper for the papers, unsteady as hell for the photographers.

A cocky new kid right out of college comes in and asks for a staff photog position. The photo editor laughed at him. Kid said, "You give me any camera you have, I'll have the page-one photo in your paper tomorrow." Editor pulled a 110 instamatic out of a drawer and wished the kid luck. Figured he'd never see the camera again, but it was worth it for the story he'd get to tell over drinks.

That night the kid went out to a high rise fire and took 12 shots. Brought it in to the night editor, got it developed, and ... well, you see where this is going.

So yeah, it's not (mostly) about the gear. But like you said, exposure and auto-focus FTW.