1) If you look around - there were SEVERAL flights where this happened. People saw something, reacted and the next thing you know, you've got F-16's flying in and people marched away in handcuffs.

2) As far as I can tell, no one has been arrested in any of these. Not one valid complaint.

3) We have *NO* idea of the cost of this. We've got F16's on standby, jet fuel, pilots ready (not to mention the FBI guys)...and who's paying for all of it?

4) If you think the law applies equally -- well, I'd like to see John Boehner get handcuffed and marched off a plane. (Yeah, it's not gonna happen).

There are the Lords over us common Peasants. They shall not be touched. I'd love to tell you that Democrats are better about this - but I don't think so.