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New As someone somewhere pointed out...
...the top of the line iMac (27 inch) is a couple of hundred quid cheaper than a 30-inch Apple Cinema Display.

It's a massive monitor with free computer inside!

>sells to self as bargainous steal of the century<

Edit: Actually, it's not cheaper than the 30-inch Cinema. Don't care.

>Ignores reality<
Collapse Edited by pwhysall April 10, 2010, 12:45:19 PM EDT
As someone somewhere pointed out...
...the top of the line iMac (27 inch) is a couple of hundred quid cheaper than a 30-inch Apple Cinema Display.

It's a massive monitor with free computer inside!

>sells to self as bargainous steal of the century<
     Bugger the iPad - (pwhysall) - (8)
         Hope it works out well. - (Another Scott) - (1)
             As someone somewhere pointed out... - (pwhysall)
         About that 'lefty' Logitech (?) - (Ashton) - (3)
             Tell them! Tell them! - (pwhysall) - (2)
                 Alas.. only meeses there:-/ No T-ball {sob} - (Ashton) - (1)
                     Software? Nein. - (pwhysall)
         Don't forget Steam coming to OSX, RSN. (Yay) - (Meerkat) - (1)
             I'm psyched about Portal 2 -NT - (SpiceWare)

I would never pay to play something like this.
59 ms