The next steps are for everyone to argue about claims that aren't true, but they're the only things that the Republicans will want to talk about. They can't discuss what's actually in the bill because A) None of their constituents actually know what's in the bill, so it's hard to score points talking about it, and B) When people are asked about specific provisions they overwhelmingly support them. It's just the bill "as a whole" that they oppose.

The next steps should be to rigorously enforce the provisions that people can't be denied coverage for pre-existing conditions, and can't be dropped if they develop something expensive. Once that actually takes hold, insurance companies will, for the first time, actually have a stake in keeping people healthy.

Then line up the insurance companies with the healthcare providers for the first time -- until now they've been antagonists -- and have them start talking about farm policy and how the current subsidies lead to massive prevalence of obesity and diabetes.

Capitalism runs on money. People won't be healthy until someone with influence stands to make more money from people being healthy. It won't happen just because it's good for people, and the right thing to do. Someone has to be making money on it.