I paid $350 for it in April 2007, it was on sale at CDW at the time.

Has a network jack, USB and parallel. Macs see it just fine via Bonjour, handy for when my folks visit and need to print something off. I had my dad install Bonjour for Windows on his work laptop so it can print to it as well.

It has 4 toner cartridges - I haven't seen a laser printer that didn't have separate cartridges. Toner cartridges cost more than ink jet, but last significantly longer. It came with a 4500 page black cartridge and 1500 page color cartridges. The color lasted over 1 1/2 years. I replaced all 3 with hi-capacity carts (4500 pages) at the end of 2008 for $500. The 1500 page carts would have been $250, but I opted for twice the cost for 3 times the toner.


It's an obsolete model now, replaced by the 6130, which lists at $450.


I have had 1 issue with it - something fried the network port. When it happened a few ports on my wireless router went out as well, so I thing something in the router went bad. I now have the printer hooked up to my MacBook Pro via USB and shared it for when my folks are over. I also replaced the router with a dual-band Airport Extreme. I used to check my toner levels by pointing my browser at the printer. The USB drivers don't show toner level (at least the Mac version doesn't), so if I want to check levels I use the printer's control panel to print a status report.

Edit: the control panel does have gauges for each color