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New Request: Info on color laser printers
I'm considering upgrading my printer from the slow ink-jet I have now to a faster color laser printer. I'd like to keep the price under $1000, and will of course keep an eye on the cost of toner refills, but that's not necessarily the driving force. I would like good speed and quality, and would prefer a printer where there's at least two, if not four, toner cartridges. Computers in the house include 2 XP machines, 1 Vista, and 1 OSX machine. I don't think the Linux box (this server you're using now) will ever need to print anything.

Is there anyone with any kind of first-hand knowledge about this piece of hardware that they'd like to share?

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."
- Benjamin Franklin, 1759 Historical Review of Pennsylvania
New I got Brother HL-4040CN.

4 color cartridges, easy to swap.

Fast, cheap, good looking, pick 3.

Not a lot of use, but has been very good for what i asked it to do.
New Well, it's not a laser . . .
. . but I'm pretty happy with the results from my Xerox Phaser 8560 solid ink (hot wax) printer. I think you can get them for under $700. Of course a full set of wax blocks costs about $350 but that lasts me about a year. After the warranty is up you can buy 3rd party wax blocks for under $200.
New These are *VERY* good.
The dye and material used to print with are nice.

I've worked with some people on these (back before GRCC) and these printers were *GREAT* back then. From what I've heard/seen they are even better now.

I'm a betting you'll like it too.

Samples are typically available from places that sell them.
New Happy with my Xerox Phaser 6120
I paid $350 for it in April 2007, it was on sale at CDW at the time.

Has a network jack, USB and parallel. Macs see it just fine via Bonjour, handy for when my folks visit and need to print something off. I had my dad install Bonjour for Windows on his work laptop so it can print to it as well.

It has 4 toner cartridges - I haven't seen a laser printer that didn't have separate cartridges. Toner cartridges cost more than ink jet, but last significantly longer. It came with a 4500 page black cartridge and 1500 page color cartridges. The color lasted over 1 1/2 years. I replaced all 3 with hi-capacity carts (4500 pages) at the end of 2008 for $500. The 1500 page carts would have been $250, but I opted for twice the cost for 3 times the toner.


It's an obsolete model now, replaced by the 6130, which lists at $450.


I have had 1 issue with it - something fried the network port. When it happened a few ports on my wireless router went out as well, so I thing something in the router went bad. I now have the printer hooked up to my MacBook Pro via USB and shared it for when my folks are over. I also replaced the router with a dual-band Airport Extreme. I used to check my toner levels by pointing my browser at the printer. The USB drivers don't show toner level (at least the Mac version doesn't), so if I want to check levels I use the printer's control panel to print a status report.

Edit: the control panel does have gauges for each color
Expand Edited by SpiceWare June 22, 2009, 03:56:52 PM EDT
New Not sure if you are still looking...
But I have a HP Color LaserJet CP1215 and I'm very happy with it. It also uses 4 different cartridges.

When asking God for a break, be sure to specify what KIND you want!
     Request: Info on color laser printers - (mvitale) - (5)
         I got Brother HL-4040CN. - (crazy)
         Well, it's not a laser . . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (1)
             These are *VERY* good. - (folkert)
         Happy with my Xerox Phaser 6120 - (SpiceWare)
         Not sure if you are still looking... - (Nightowl)

83 ms