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New You gotta be kidding.
If Britain really thought the US wasn't worth occupying, why bother fighting in the first place? Next you'll be saying they let us win the Revolution. In fact, you've already come close to implying it.

I suspect you've made the mistake of taking sour grapes at its word.
Truth is that which is the case. Accept no substitutes.
If competence is considered "hubris" then may I and my country always be as "arrogant" as we can possibly manage.
New duh, yea they let us win, dumass
Name a battle that was won decisivley by Washington, England had bigger(at the time) fish to fry.Like us in Nam, the price wasnt worth the game.
"I'm selling a hammer," he says. "They can beat nails with it, or their dog."
Richard Eaton spy software innovator
New You'd better tell us how you define " victory" then.
I define "victory" as achieving one's objectives.

What were the US objectives?

1. Survive as a nation.
2. Hold on to territorial gains to the west
3. Get some respect (no more press gangs and Chesapeake outrages)
4. Take Canada.

Of these four, three were accomplished. The fourth wasn't, but that's as it should be. The US had no business in Canada, and deserved to lose that one. But the other three were very much the American's business.

What were Britain's objectives?

1. Grab back the Northwest Territories (no, not the Yukon.)
2. Put those uppity Yanks in their place.
3. Keep Canada.

Eventually there was added:
4. Occupy the US, ending American independence.

Of these four, one was achieved easily, two were failures, and the fourth was dropped in a very sour grapes way.

Never mind the battles, Box. You're missing the big picture. 1812 was Great Britain's Vietnam. They won most of the battles, but lost the war. The victories didn't matter, just like bombing the Vietminh didn't matter. Pyrrhus's victory over the Romans was less bogus than Engand's "victory" over the US in 1812.

America went into this war less than fully united. But even so, we had more heart than the Brits. When both sides were finally tired, which side was more tired? Look at which side made the greater concessions at Ghent.

In war, nobody lets anybody win, expect by acquiescing to defeat. The Brits got tired and gave up, with 75% of their objectives unmet. You've got to spin things pretty hard to say that the US came out on the short end.

Truth is that which is the case. Accept no substitutes.
If competence is considered "hubris" then may I and my country always be as "arrogant" as we can possibly manage.
New Defining Victory
I agree with how/what objectives were won lost so you are not hopeless after all. Your initial post in the series was about how we kicked butt all the time, every time. that wasnt the case. As far as winning goes, what do you think of this link,
A day-by-day account of how Osama bin Laden eluded the world's most powerful military machine.
There is no difference between a "settler," "soldier," "secular," or "Chassidic Jew." The target is the JEW.
\ufffd Harvey Tannenbaum
New What the link demonstrates is what I have already conceded
...namely that the war isn't over yet. It's only been five months, whaddaya expect?

We have removed the Taliban from power, and gained respect from the regimes of Pakistan and of Russia. The first was a subgoal on the way to the ultimate goal. The other is a bonus. All things considered, not bad.

And by the way, I never cliamed we "kicked butt every time." Surely you can read more carefully than that.
Truth is that which is the case. Accept no substitutes.
If competence is considered "hubris" then may I and my country always be as "arrogant" as we can possibly manage.
New Where are you pulling your "British Goals" from?
Britain had 3 goals going into 1812.

  1. Retain Canada.
  2. Maintain the blockade on Napoleon.
  3. Be able to conscript British citizens in time of war, whether or not they thought of themselves as British citizens.

Britain retained Canada. Maintained the blockade and won the war with Napoleon. And according to International law today, well Britain won that as well. IIRC the US did not even get an apology for the official causes it listed.

Therefore Britain was 3 for 3.

Remember, Britain was not the aggressor in that war. Britain had no intention of invading the US, and even if they wanted to, 1812 would have been the worst possible time to try. If you know basic European history, you would realize that Napoleon having taken most of the major European countries over with ease was their biggest priority. To this day Britain considers the war of 1812 a joke (Oh right, we did burn down your capital, didn't we?), and the Battle of Waterloo one of the most important victories in their history.

It is not a coincidence that the War of 1812 was over within months once England stopped having a more important opponent rampaging through Europe. The US, with its capital destroyed and facing the prospect of a full British engagement, wisely decided that it was best to accept a rather generous peace treaty.

Oh yes. As for US goals, there were several:

  1. Get apologies/compensation for "outrages" The official cause of the war. Failed, except in the detail that once Napoleon was beaten, Britain stopped the blockage and conscription. This was not even mentioned in the final treaty.
  2. Take Canada. Failed utterly.
  3. Decimate the Indian tribes. Succeeded, with important consequences for later expansion.
  4. (later added) Keep the Louisiana territories Succeeded with important consequences for later expansion. (The treaty of Ghent didn't even address the question of whether the US kept Louisiana. The US kept it by winning the Battle of New Orleans - after the treaty was agreed on. Faster communications would have achieved the same result.)

The last item was later added by the US to make its sole major victory seem more important than it was at the time.

So the US won 2 of its 4 major goals. At the cost of financial collapse, having its capital burned down, and nearly suffering an internal civil war. (Several Northeast states seriously considered seccession, and would have likely done it had the US not agreed on peace.)

"... I couldn't see how anyone could be educated by this self-propagating system in which people pass exams, teach others to pass exams, but nobody knows anything."
--Richard Feynman
New So what you're saying is...
Britain considered the United States enough of a threat to their war effort that it was necessary to invade? Was the United States really enough of a factor, or Napoleon really that strong at that point, that the US had to be quashed before Napoleon could be beaten?

Sorry, I find that very farfetched. The US wasn't even a world power yet, let alone a superpower. If anything, it was Britain that was a credible threat to the survival of the United States, not the other way around. The US wasn't even a credible threat to Canada. So why such heavyhandedness?

The fact is, Great Britain over-reacted, and that's putting the best possible face on it. So did the United States, to be fair, but to a far lesser degree. The US went in at a terrible disadvantage. Great Britain was bigger, and more powerful.

Not content with securing Canada, the Brits went on to bombard and invade the United States. Most of this was in 1814, *after* Napoleon had been beaten, and *after* Canada was safe. It was gratuitous. What was the British objective at that point? Certainly not to secure the survival of Great Britain. That wasn't even an issue at this point. So it must have been something else. Such as? Well, trying to put an end to the US would fit the actual behavior quite nicely. What other theory fits the facts? Anyone?

(And this, to answer the question of your post's title, is where I pull my British objectives from. By reverse engineering their actions. I've always found this to be a far more reliable method than just taking people at their word. Good grief, where would we be if we'd taken Hitler at his word in 1939?)

What it all boils down to is:

1. Great Britain was the bully.
2. The United States was the underdog.
3. At the very worst, it was a draw. If an underdog can fight a much bigger bully to a draw, what can you say to that?
4. On the face of it, Britain had the ability to conquer the United States.
5. Judging from its behavior, it's obvious that Britain also had the motive.
6. What it lacked, at a minimum, was the morale.

By your own admission, the Brits thought it "wasn't worth it" to follow through. And why would they decide this after all that bother? It can only be because it turned out to be much harder than they had thought it would be. It just wasn't fun anymore.

The War of 1812 was Great Britain's Vietnam. Only they had the sense to get out after a few years.
Truth is that which is the case. Accept no substitutes.
If competence is considered "hubris" then may I and my country always be as "arrogant" as we can possibly manage.
Expand Edited by marlowe March 4, 2002, 03:48:51 PM EST
New Pressing
The idea of who exactly was a British citizen and who was an American citizen was much more fluid back then. American citizens many times did not have formal documentation or papers - they weren't as big into bureaucracy back then. Also, a lot of British sailors would claim to be American in order to try to evade the draft - what with private shipping being much more profitable.

I suppose the only good thing to come out of the War was that we finally got a good drinking song national anthem. :-)
New Be careful what you're excusing, there.
If you accept the draft dodge excuse, then it follows that we would've been well within out right to invade Canada... in the late 1960's. Grab any likely looking young man who can't show ID.

But guys, it really wasn't all about the blockade against France and the Napoleonic Wars, and Ben would have us think. It's all part of a pattern going back at least to the French and Indian War. The British ruling class looked down on the colonists. After we won the Revolution, there was much wounded pride in the Hanoverian dynasty. At first they weren't inclined to open old wounds. But a couple of other things came up that made the Brits - shall we say - touchy, neither of which were our fault: the London riot around Wilkes, and the Napoleonic Wars.

England had something to prove. They were looking for a war. They as much as fought one against us with such heavyhanded actions as the Chesapeake and impressment. They weren't interested in working things out. They didn't see our sovereignty as legitimitate, and so they did as they pleased to our ships and their crew.

Prior to the 1812 War, there was a sizeable party within the United States that wanted a reconciliation with the mother country. Had the latter shown even a modicum of genuine regard, who could say whether we might have joined the war against Napoleon on England's side? We weren't strong enough to make much of a difference, but it couldn't have hurt.
Truth is that which is the case. Accept no substitutes.
If competence is considered "hubris" then may I and my country always be as "arrogant" as we can possibly manage.
New Believe what you will
For you will believe it once you have made your mind up. Which you clearly have.

Britain in the middle of fighting for its life in one of the pivotal wars of the last thousand years, against a man who had proven himself the most successful conquerer born on European soil since Alexander the Great, really gave a shit about conquering the USA? A people in the middle of a war that reshaped Europe were going out looking for another? Why? Didn't they like the one they already had?

Yeah. Fucking. Right.

That makes no more sense than your comparison of stopping and searching ships which were running a blockade to marching an army onto foreign soil looking for deserters.

And I will now proceed to allow you to achieve yet another "success" in the self-fulfilling delusion you call a belief system. We are going around in circles, and I have better things to do with my time than waste it in endless arguments on the net with people who have made their mind up and then tailor their understanding of facts to suit.

The field is yours.

I invite you to share notes with President Madison and Saddam Hussein on the sweet taste of victory.

"... I couldn't see how anyone could be educated by this self-propagating system in which people pass exams, teach others to pass exams, but nobody knows anything."
--Richard Feynman
New You project your way of thinking upon them.
That's why you can't conceive of their motives being anything other than what yours would be in the same situation.

Yes, they were just off a major fight, and looking for another. Why not? It happens. It happens a lot in daily life, in both large affairs and small. Why, look at Microsoft. Do they ever get tired of making, and then fending off, enemies left and right? And it can happen after losing the previous fight, too. Do the Palestinians ever get tired of losing, and decide to just settle for what they have? No.

Your scorn is a poor substitute for the imagination to conceive that other people think and feel differently than you would, even in other eras. Please forgive me for bringing the cultural context and the rest of the historical context into it, thus upsetting your preconceived notions.
Truth is that which is the case. Accept no substitutes.
If competence is considered "hubris" then may I and my country always be as "arrogant" as we can possibly manage.
New Now I understand why people treat you with disbelief
You just come up with theories so far in left field that it is hard to accept that you seriously believe them...

Britain considered the United States enough of a threat to their war effort that it was necessary to invade? Was the United States really enough of a factor, or Napoleon really that strong at that point, that the US had to be quashed before Napoleon could be beaten?

Excuse me? Talk about the tail wagging the dog! You have everything backwards from both reality and (not entirely coincidentally) what I said.

The US declared war on Britain and invaded Canada. Britain did not declare war on the US. Secondly what I said was that the US was unimportant on Britain's agenda while Napoleon remained at large. If Britain had its way, the US would have accepted Britain's blockade of the mainland, and the US wouldn't have attacked anyone.

As for how strong Napoleon was, dude, the guy [link|http://www.etsu.edu/philos/classes/rk/neoclassictoromantic/htmdescriptionpages/map.htm|conquered Europe]. Britain was justly terrified that they would be on his menu. Compared to that, a few colonies in North America were small fry.

Sorry, I find that very farfetched. The US wasn't even a world power yet, let alone a superpower. If anything, it was Britain that was a credible threat to the survival of the United States, not the other way around. The US wasn't even a credible threat to Canada. So why such heavyhandedness?

I am glad you find it farfetched. It would have been better if you realized up front it was wrong and didn't invent this crap.

Britain only invaded the US in 1815. This was after repeated invasions by the US into British territory (aka Canada), and after Britain finished dealing with a much higher priority (aka Napoleon). At that time Britain had no shortage of cause - their territory had been being invaded for 2 years and their citizens were being killed!

The fact is, Great Britain over-reacted, and that's putting the best possible face on it. So did the United States, to be fair, but to a far lesser degree. The US went in at a terrible disadvantage. Great Britain was bigger, and more powerful.

Great Britain did not overreact. Their territory was invaded without cause. They responded by attacking the US until the US was willing to talk peace, and then accepted peace on terms that basically said, "Let's forget this whole incident ever happened."

Not content with securing Canada, the Brits went on to bombard and invade the United States. Most of this was in 1814, *after* Napoleon had been beaten, and *after* Canada was safe. It was gratuitous. What was the British objective at that point? Certainly not to secure the survival of Great Britain. That wasn't even an issue at this point. So it must have been something else. Such as? Well, trying to put an end to the US would fit the actual behavior quite nicely. What other theory fits the facts? Anyone?

How about to convince the US not to do that again? Which the US didn't. The private Fenian raids excepted, the rest of their wars on the Continent were against Indians and Mexico, and they didn't threaten Canada again until the 1860's or thereabouts. (The threats never moved beyond the verbal stage, though it did result in the consolidation of the various colonies into one for mutual self-defence.)

(And this, to answer the question of your post's title, is where I pull my British objectives from. By reverse engineering their actions. I've always found this to be a far more reliable method than just taking people at their word. Good grief, where would we be if we'd taken Hitler at his word in 1939?)

In other words you get your shit wrong and then play mindreader to figure out what "really happened"?

Perhaps you should worry about getting your history straight before talking about what people's motives were.

What it all boils down to is:

1. Great Britain was the bully.

Great Britain was acting within norms accepted today within international practice. A naval blockade stops, searches, and turns away ships from neutral countries. A country has a right to define who is a citizen and subject them its own laws, including conscription laws, regardless of what that citizen thinks, or any other citizenships they might have.

2. The United States was the underdog.

More specifically the US was a vicious bitch of an underdog who thought it could kick Britain's puppy (aka Canada) while Britain was busy.

In 2 years the US was unable to make headway against an unaided Canada (a small fraction of its own size). Which makes it an incompetent, vicious underdog. In the third year the US had its ass handed to them all over the map.

3. At the very worst, it was a draw. If an underdog can fight a much bigger bully to a draw, what can you say to that?

What you are saying is about equivalent to Saddam Hussein claiming "victory" after the Iraqui war because Iraq wound up at the same borders as when it started.

4. On the face of it, Britain had the ability to conquer the United States.

The US in 1815 was indeed conquerable. It was, however, no more governable than it had been in 1781 so there was no point in trying to conquer it.

5. Judging from its behavior, it's obvious that Britain also had the motive.

They had the motive to send troops in and do lots of damage, yes. But did they have the motive to try to hold it?

6. What it lacked, at a minimum, was the morale.

Again, I am unimpressed at your attempts to engage in mindreading.

By your own admission, the Brits thought it "wasn't worth it" to follow through. And why would they decide this after all that bother? It can only be because it turned out to be much harder than they had thought it would be. It just wasn't fun anymore.

They had already made their point by burning the capital to the ground, their forces had just fought a European war as significant in their day as WW 1 or WW 2 is in ours, and the US was willing to sue for peace.

Again, the idea of starting a war and starting to invade was a US initiative, not a British one.

The War of 1812 was Great Britain's Vietnam. Only they had the sense to get out after a few years.

If you had called the US Revolution their Vietnam I wouldn't disagree. But the War of 1812 was to them a side-show to the real war, which is considered one of the pivotal events ushering in Modern European History.


Truth is that which is the case. Accept no substitutes.

Then stop making shit up.

If competence is considered "hubris" then may I and my country always be as "arrogant" as we can possibly manage.

Big if.

"... I couldn't see how anyone could be educated by this self-propagating system in which people pass exams, teach others to pass exams, but nobody knows anything."
--Richard Feynman
New Britain started it, US declared it.
Everything that went before amounted to war upon the US. Shame on the US for daring to admit openly that there was already a war going on.
Truth is that which is the case. Accept no substitutes.
If competence is considered "hubris" then may I and my country always be as "arrogant" as we can possibly manage.
New Truth==Blind aceptance of horseshit?
As long as its your horse?
There is no difference between a "settler," "soldier," "secular," or "Chassidic Jew." The target is the JEW.
\ufffd Harvey Tannenbaum
New Better mine than yours.
Truth is that which is the case. Accept no substitutes.
If competence is considered "hubris" then may I and my country always be as "arrogant" as we can possibly manage.
New I am not kidding
I merely happen to know some basic history.

The reason that Britain bothered fighting in the War of 1812 is that they were attacked first. As soon as the US had enough that they were willing to stop trying to attack British colonies, Britain accepted peace on neutral terms. If Britain actually cared, they would have inflicted a heck of a lot more damage.

As for the US Revolution, the US never did win decisively. As Bill Oxley mentioned, the US managed to demonstrate that it was ungovernable. That is, the ongoing effort to maintain military control cost far more in time, money, and lives than Britain got back. The English people realized that fairly quickly. King George didn't, and therefore he spent several years in an unpopular war against colonists who were being resupplied and funded by opposing European powers (mainly France). After a few years of this he succumbed to popular pressure and gave the US its independence.

It was the same situation that the US was on the wrong side of in Vietnam. If the government had a real goal and popular support, they could have won. (By levelling the place if need be.) They didn't have the goal or the support.

"... I couldn't see how anyone could be educated by this self-propagating system in which people pass exams, teach others to pass exams, but nobody knows anything."
--Richard Feynman
New US attacked first?
Before the Chesapeake and the press gangs?

Tell me more.

And if the US didn't win the Revolution, how does the US now exist?

Whose objectives were achieved? Whose weren't? Or are you, like Boxley, trying to redefine "victory?"

Here's hoping you never get in a fight. As soon as it got rough, you'd just say "I'm bored with this" and walk off. Then go telling everybody you could've punched the crap out of the other guy if you'd felt like it. "But he still has your wallet!" You shrug. "Oh, I let him keep that. It wasn't worth all the fuss."
Truth is that which is the case. Accept no substitutes.
If competence is considered "hubris" then may I and my country always be as "arrogant" as we can possibly manage.
New dont think so, dont weasel
You redefined victory, I agreed (somewhat with you.)
Fighting to me is terrible, if it looks like I am losing I walk away, and wait for you in a dark alley with a 2x4. Fighting is stupid that is why if you find yourself in one find the most violent way to end it quickly with the other guy hurt not you. Marlowe, read lao tse and the art of war, also the Borgias and Machivelli on government. Study Disraeli and Grant. War isnt glory and poobah it is murder and mayhem.
There is no difference between a "settler," "soldier," "secular," or "Chassidic Jew." The target is the JEW.
\ufffd Harvey Tannenbaum
New Learn some European history please
The Chesapeake was fired on as part of a British blockade of Europe associated with a European war. The British pressgangs were likewise conscription of British citizens for that European war. That the people in question were also American citzens on an American ship did not change their status under British law, nor their obligations in time of war. Those were not seen by Britain as military actions against the USA. They were military actions against France in which US ships happened to be affected.

In the Treaty of Ghent Britain neither apologized for said actions nor promised not to do them again in later wars. To this day neutral ships are stopped and boarded as part of naval blockades, and under International Law you are a citizen of any and all countries that claim you with all rights and obligations applying. Most people have one citizenship, but 2 and none are fairly common as well.

US citizens visiting their parent's homelands to this day may find themselves unexpectedly drafted or thrown in jail for evading the local draft, and the US State Department won't do anything other than warn you in advance that they can't do anything for you. Regardless of your opinion, you are a local citizen, in your country of citizenship, and that takes precedence over any claim the US might make.

In other words the British actions that the US went to war over remain accepted practice to this day.

As for whether the US won the Revolution, they did. Of course. But they didn't win by decisive military victory.

"... I couldn't see how anyone could be educated by this self-propagating system in which people pass exams, teach others to pass exams, but nobody knows anything."
--Richard Feynman
     OpEd: Even without our high tech and superior numbers... - (marlowe) - (34)
         I am unsurprised your history is lacking - (ben_tilly) - (26)
             Yep... - (bepatient) - (1)
                 You need that in every war. - (Brandioch)
             You gotta be kidding. - (marlowe) - (18)
                 duh, yea they let us win, dumass - (boxley) - (13)
                     You'd better tell us how you define " victory" then. - (marlowe) - (12)
                         Defining Victory - (boxley) - (1)
                             What the link demonstrates is what I have already conceded - (marlowe)
                         Where are you pulling your "British Goals" from? - (ben_tilly) - (9)
                             So what you're saying is... - (marlowe) - (8)
                                 Pressing - (ChrisR) - (3)
                                     Be careful what you're excusing, there. - (marlowe) - (2)
                                         Believe what you will - (ben_tilly) - (1)
                                             You project your way of thinking upon them. - (marlowe)
                                 Now I understand why people treat you with disbelief - (ben_tilly) - (3)
                                     Britain started it, US declared it. - (marlowe) - (2)
                                         Truth==Blind aceptance of horseshit? - (boxley) - (1)
                                             Better mine than yours. -NT - (marlowe)
                 I am not kidding - (ben_tilly) - (3)
                     US attacked first? - (marlowe) - (2)
                         dont think so, dont weasel - (boxley)
                         Learn some European history please - (ben_tilly)
             While I'm not a serious student of this stuff . . - (Andrew Grygus) - (4)
                 Nicely arcane angle.. - (Ashton) - (3)
                     link to ships - (boxley) - (2)
                         I'll have to amend an earlier comment of mine. - (marlowe) - (1)
                             On second thought.... - (marlowe)
         You forget Korea - (boxley)
         I don't think he was in the same army I was. - (Brandioch)
         Decisively beaten in Vietnam? - (wharris2) - (4)
             I define victory as the meeting of objectives. - (marlowe) - (3)
                 Russia? Partial victory - (wharris2) - (2)
                     And this why I've long expected another Cold War... - (marlowe) - (1)
                         Reading the Bear and the Dragon (Tom Clancy) - (wharris2)

Why sure I'm a billiard player!
86 ms