Not been to USPS for a couple days; will try VLC.. and it's open source, yet!
Let Adobe simmer in inattention for a time.

Have yet to grok to fullness the codec game: who writes them, why so many -- who profits from same / how DRM is folded in, etc. (Life too short..)

Any group that can have their DEVDays in Paris! be my kinda guys n'gals.
(And any of those who spend their whole time with a keyboard, There: not-so-much.)

Thanks for including.. 18 MB (ouch)
Ya gets 4 GB of RAM and everything gets Bigger again!
(Looking forward to the alleged streamlined Snow Leopard; imagine ... anticipating an OS Upgrade, without well-justified trepidation!) A first, por moi.

Just hooked up a *second monitor, thanks to neighbors suitable DVI --> analog dongle. Now getting accustomed to : it just Works. Cute, mousing across the æther and back to another box!
Now since the mon. has normal-size DVI input too: need an Apple-size --> Normal-DVI cable or adaptor, too. OK I see the miniaturization fetish, for the nbs. Time to google for OEM adaptors. I see there's even a Color Calibrator App.

Hmmm 5 more monitors and I can emulate the gadgetry Rand linked to: a Control Room, but with scopes too! maybe not.

* and I noticed that, with both monitors making work for video card: a few °F temp rise on the 'GPU Diode' ensues. As one might expect. {cackle}