but, surprised atcha BeeP: it was on principle. He didn't want to condone that Horrific! actual juvenile sexual activity !! on the part of his mentor, Leader and.. his own political raison d'\ufffdtre.

One could call this 'tactical error' a sign of ingratitude? sanctimony? or just a Bad call on what The Peepul Like. But I thought principles were supposed to be Important to practitioners of the Dismal Science - ain't that You, Beep? Are you saying he Should have been more Machiavellian ?

{sheesh} inconsistency rulez.

PS - to say that Nader had "nothing to do with the loss". Uhh WTF WERE you during that all?

Lastly - the variety and magnitude of skullduggery in the state of FL.. has yet to be explored - t'weren't just old confused folk what got us the Selected Prez. Blacks' complaints about roadblocks, literal and other.. have received only a token meeja-listen. Predictably. Such a short attention span..