Should the Gideon people start distributing the works of T.P. worldwide - we'd save millions of heaped-dead-burned Righteous bodies, both victims and perps (and retaliators re both) in the first decade.

And, with sex taken out of the control of the warped libidos of the Cloaked class - and sanctimoniousness erased (due to the laughter evoked by further attempts to peddle Fear for a Fee) - why,

we could make up for the increased planetary burden of those extra lives spared.
Recreational safe sex just might beat Malthus, once every population reduction plan is freed from the gantlet of pious pecksniffs,
(each with His poisonally-revealed Rulez for managing all the Hers)
and the other mischiefs of the anthropomorphic godhead fabricators.

(Once you see how 3 card Monte works, well - you're supposed to be smarter. Hmmm - there's the Achilles' heel.)

Hey, whatever anyone thinks of a jillion hand-crafted alternatives - get these Death/philosophies off the planetary agenda and *just Maybe* the nukes won't come out, next. Otherwise: I give 'us' til ~2015; 2020 tops. It's just too easy to do techno seppuku now and the number of the sex-starved/crazed goes up as more and more Funda- Mentalists tighten the screws on the superstitious - raise the ante of post-mortem deflowerings allowed - with the stroke of a priestly irade.