Ever since my mouser-general went off to that great catnip laden paradise in the sky, the rodents around my place felt emboldened and brazenly gallivanting around my living room and kitchen. It was time for me to take charge. I didn't need to resort to the high tech Jaws 'O Death. I used the $.040 "stock" traps, but used peanut butter AND cheese. The peanut butter adds just the right adhesion to make the mouse pause just long enough to catch the full fury of the snapping wire. I went five for five - all with perfect neck snaps and just their heads under the bar. This is perhaps akin to tar and feathering the little bastards but effective (although perhaps tarring and feathering their corpses and displaying them along the walls would act as a deterrent).

A side note, the non-lethal traps suck. I set them for two weeks (both the little seesaw ones and the big expensive flip trap) and got nada. The bait was gone but no mice. When I did the peanut butter and cheese on the cheap old reliable traps... bada bing, snap, snap, snap, snap, snap.

Happy hunting!