He has sour grapes. The BSD Lawsuit flummoxed *BSD.

Linux, well it maybe 10 years behind in code quality, but thre is a significant difference.

Torvalds is all about making things work, with making the best of things that need to get done, and nearly always "Good Enough" wins (very close to 100% but I digress).

DeRaadt is all about correcting "Good Enough" and making it "perfect". Not worried about the here and now, which is what the users want. OpenBSD has about the cleanest code base I've seen, by far. Let me akin it to the NASA Space Shuttle Operating System Software. There are only about 5 millions lines of code in the SSOS, Heavily refactored, Heavily Tested, Much Testing Code accounts for the 5 million lines, Code is Clean, well documented, very well thought out. Perhaps maybe 0 bugs in actual Production code. Costs (over the life of the project so far) in excess of $5B. This is far outside what is considered reasonable. Sort of like what DeRaadt is talking.

Granted the idea is excellent, but the effort required is not reasonable.

Also, why would Forbes take this oppourtunity to Publish stuff by DeRaadt. They typically do not like to hear from Extremists, which DeRaadt is. Me thinks there is another hand pushing this.