Ours is a youth-worship culture; the 'older' spend much of waking hours as Conservatives of.. tryin to recapture that which they pissed away in search of the BigEZ -- and tryin to go back to that unfinished state. The mercantile model of life values compliance and groupthink much more than originality (except in sales). How else could you sell. all. this. stuff. with the same ol same ol slogans? (And.. all on credit! forever.)

Confusing this malevolent-noise besotted child with any concept of adult homo-sap? is to confuse a tadpole with a Bullfrog - though that part of BS does provide a weak link. Never mind that T. Fundamentalists have the same IQ as Falwell Fundamentalists and the same Hate-Q as well. (We're allus fryin folks what can't tell the difference between god and a scrod.)

So.. let's kill him. That's what's out there a festerin and a rubbin hands.. in expectation of - what's the Best Way to get Prime Time residuals for the public spectacle? Let's have those reel Close-Ups of his grimaces as that transistorized red-hot poker (with the Screamin' Eagle) on the handle is -

Administerin Murican Ju-Ju-Justfotainment (HDTV style)
Hell, let's get his parents too - they must have done Something wrong and It's WarTime\ufffd - so we can skip that bleedin' heart librul 'thinkin' n'stuff. For the Duration.

Ashton Executions Ltd.
All we want are the residuals
We guarantee a 9+ rating