The actual wedding day went off pretty much without a (major) hitch. Our minister told us to expect 7 problems, but that the average was 4. We counted between 6 and 9, but we counting silly things, like the bride's mother getting locked out of her own house for 20 minutes, or my dad having to direct the limousine driver to the reception house. Meh.

Hahaha, I had almost the same problem the wedding night. I had led a chain of cars back to my house to unload everything we used to decorate, etc, at the hall, only John was in yet another car, and he was the only one with the garage remote..... We all stood around on the driveway waiting for him to arrive! Fun!

The ceremony went well. Everything happened just as it was supposed to - or nearly enough that it was okay. We'd chosen some fairly formal vows, but customised them just slightly because one of the words no longer means anything like what it did in the 16th century. Rachael's mum's dog was the ring-bearer and behaved 100% - people are still talking about her. And I surprised a lot of people by singing a song to my new wife at the end of the ceremony.

It's wonderful when special music is involved in a wedding, and especially when it's the bride and groom. I sang a song to John at the beginning of ours, and we sang one to each other during the ceremony. :)

Sounds like it went great! I wish you many years together!
