In grad school in 1985 or so I got to play with an [link||HP Integral Personal Computer]. It was a "luggable" lunch-box-like portable computer. Moto 68000, 1 MB RAM (512 kB standard), built-in 9" yellow on black (or reverse) EL graphics display. Built-in inkjet printer. Had a new-fangled built-in 700 kB floppy drive (disks were $70 for a box of 10). Ran HP-UX 5 out of ROM. Had a built-in HP-IB interface for attaching to instrumentation, external hard drives, etc.

The school was evaluating them as required PCs for the program. The list price was something like $7500 and we were getting them for a little under $5000.

It was a nice machine, but too expensive for the students.

That's when companies weren't afraid to innovate. :-(
