And it always derives from the visceral fear of the unknown / the 'different'. Noticed immediately by any sentient person as - irrational, in every society there is another constant; that which supports the manifest contradictions within (also) every society: hypocrisy.

The first means of reconciling the irreconcilable is ever - the pollution of language, intentional distortion of the referents for critical words. Sloth takes care of the rest: the EZ Slogan replaces the more accurate phrase or paragraph - as might communicate something.

This is a nice screed (your link), goes much into these matters - but it is a tad too long for the avge. Murican attention span and 'logic' is never enough. The reason for intentional misuse of language is, clearly! in every case: to confound logic.

And G\ufffdbbels demonstrated how this intention may be converted to a process of great effectiveness. It is *his* Ministry of Propaganda which has brought us the Corporate rule over the ovine "consumer class": endlessly dazzled by the techno-New! that they just Gotta Have (or shall be called loosers, a scary Thing to be called, within a flock whom you wish to emulate).

Ditto with the morphing of antiSemitic behavior across the ages, and across the ecumenical, political and economic rationales, so nicely set out in Mr. Schwartz's brave attempt at an all-inclusive re-view of homo-sap depravity.

The Larger crime seems to be: homo-sap complicity in the destruction even.. of its own last chance for actual communication, thus survival: honest Language, defended against the despoilers (and their pecuniary, tawdry motivations).

Perhaps this essay is a further example of Gibbons's little quip, Instruction is of no use except in cases where it is superfluous.


The Israel Question is most often bandied about in these fora as elsewhere: via an endless juxtaposition of simplistic, anecdotal and ultimately futile stimulus/response exchanges. Ignorant armies clash by night, full of sound and fury signifying Nothing...

I've found excellent points in many of your posts, but.. I think Gibbon supersedes all such attempts. Murican politics is crammed full of duplicitous language barbarism, nowhere more evident than in the current President's asinine phrases about ~Winning the War Against Evil.

THAT frames well-enough the world of mass miscommunication we currently inhabit: aided and abetted as *never before*, by the propaganda boilerplating abilities of - the machines which most here owe their livelihoods to !?

Maybe you have to try. Personally I don't believe the species is sufficiently adult to merit self-government. (The emergent Corporate World Government shall do even worse - good luck to the survivors of That death-by banal Homogenization... if there are any?)
