is my troglodyte knuckles on the sidewalk... I'm about fixing to break from my current sentence (most of all so you will stop with the Catlick innuendo)... I found out what sales reps make and GESTALT, I'm in the wrong line of woik. I'm fixin to fixit though. More to follow. If I come back out from the sanctity of the womb into the cold cruel world, I'll probably be more apt to post here with more frequency - so you should all pray that I keep my lame assed job!

The recession is over now, yada yada, and I stated that I would only womb here until it was safe to surface. I'm not that much worse for the wear either. I have rested myself up and am ready for corporate monkey fuck ass clowns, round three. I've even had a chance to dumb myself down properly.

In any event, I'm doing okay, moi droog. Just raising kids and not hell...
