Gasoline prices now - heard 79\ufffd/gal in middle Murica. Bush's little suasion to Saudis: we'll save you from the folks that want to topple yer tin-horn Dynasty IF'n ya "don't raise oil prices and take advantage". (BTW - increasing production / lowering prices would be nice too.)

Meanwhile at home: move out the rest of the MacroMacho UAVs, the 12 mpg Beauties with - 0 financing AND gas so cheap, why: they'll fall fast asleep, imagine it's 1972 and It's All Fixed. Nothing can go wrong go wrong go. Econ rises like a JATO-assisted Cessna. Pick up a few seats at mid-term. Axe a few more o' those Bill o' Rights fluff. Clip a few coupons. Daddy proud of Sonny n'Cher ^h^h eney?

On Target. Depravity R'Us has a nice ring, in current bizness climate, no?

Well, all the ingredients are there..The Hindenburg of trial balloons ?