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New This time?
"maybe he'll win this time"

He won the last time - but some votes are more equal than others. :-(
New Well..
...even the MSNBC artile you linked to was less than exact in their thinking of who actually won.

So...it appears...Gore won more of the vote of people who didn't know how to vote(at least in FL)
You were born...and so you're free...so Happy Birthday! Laurie Anderson

New It so appears.
I was watching a PBS show that played some of LBJ's tapes. On one tape, LBJ was talking to some one about how important extending voting rights to him was. As best I can remember, he said, "And I don't care how ignorant they are. I've had ignorant people voting for me my entire life."

I don't so much mind ignorant people voting as I do ignorant people getting elected. :-(

I'm not a conspiracy nut. In fact quite the opposite - I despise arguments about JFK's assassination, for example. To those people I always say, "Oswald got off a lucky shot - get over it." However, late last night, after several adult beverages, I was talking to a dear friend of mine who told me that, although he would only say this to me so as not to sound like a lunatic, he was thinking of the oil/gas lines that need to be run through Afghanistan. Somewhere he'd read that the Caspians were the last great unexploited region of oil reserves. His and my memory was that there were some reports suggesting that our war with Iraq had something to do with the Son's oil dealings in Kuwait. (Recall that 6 months prior to our War with Iraq we had an Undersecretary testifying in Congress that we shouldn't place embargoes on Iraq because "Saddam Hussein is the leading force for democracy in the region.") I replied to my friend that maybe Dubya is much more clever than appearances would indicate. Perhaps, in the grand tradition of our wars in the region, there is more about oil moguls behind this war than meets the eye. If so, this orchestration is truly brilliant. Evil, of course, but very, very clever.
Expand Edited by mmoffitt Dec. 1, 2001, 09:04:22 AM EST
Expand Edited by mmoffitt Dec. 1, 2001, 09:06:56 AM EST
New On conspiracy theories...
I work in DC. On 9/11 at around 10:10 am I was in a meeting. There were discussions about whether/when we were going to be sent home. There was suddenly some discussions about what caused the "explosion" sound people just heard and why the building shook.

I hadn't felt nor heard anything, but my meeting was in the center of the building, away from the windows. People I talked with said it was very loud and shook the windows. They'd never experienced anything like it and naturally thought it was another explosion.

I subsequently learned it was around this time that the damaged area of the Pentagon collapsed, so I reasoned that that must have been it (since there was no report of any other explosion around this time).

I heard a few days later that jet fighters had been scrambled from Andrews AFB to intercept the PA plane before it got to DC. The sound was them breaking the sound barrier on the way there....

Well, a few weeks later I heard that there were rumors being discussed on talk radio that the reason why the fighters weren't able to get to the PA plane earlier was because they couldn't violate the noise ordinances in DC and thus couldn't break the sound barrier. It wasn't true.

My point? There are always going to be people who spin rumors against those elements of law or the government that they want to ridicule, etc.

...thinking of the oil/gas lines that need to be run through Afghanistan.

It was here or a link from something here that said that one reason the Saudis supported the Taliban was that they fear losing more control over the oil market if pipelines across Afghanistan make it easy to get oil out of that region. Keep Afghanistan a feudal society and you keep that oil bottled up. Plausible, maybe. But it sounds too cynical to me. I'm more inclined to believe that Saudi support had more to do with support for their religious views than some grand oil conspiracy. (After all, if the Saudis built the pipeline and facilities they'd presumably have a great deal of influence over the government and the facilities and transshipped oil and thus even more control over the oil market it seems to me....)

Anyway, I would take rumors about Bush with a grain of salt.

BTW, do you have a source for the Saddam comment? Thanks.

New One in the making?
Gasoline prices now - heard 79\ufffd/gal in middle Murica. Bush's little suasion to Saudis: we'll save you from the folks that want to topple yer tin-horn Dynasty IF'n ya "don't raise oil prices and take advantage". (BTW - increasing production / lowering prices would be nice too.)

Meanwhile at home: move out the rest of the MacroMacho UAVs, the 12 mpg Beauties with - 0 financing AND gas so cheap, why: they'll fall fast asleep, imagine it's 1972 and It's All Fixed. Nothing can go wrong go wrong go. Econ rises like a JATO-assisted Cessna. Pick up a few seats at mid-term. Axe a few more o' those Bill o' Rights fluff. Clip a few coupons. Daddy proud of Sonny n'Cher ^h^h eney?

On Target. Depravity R'Us has a nice ring, in current bizness climate, no?

Well, all the ingredients are there..The Hindenburg of trial balloons ?

New Oil and Pipelines in that area
Cheveron had a deal for a pipeline in that area, outbid a buncha others for that right. it fell through due to Russian Insistance that the pipeline run their way. It was the main reason the gas pipeline in Alaska was not started and discovery money halted as they thought that area was cheaper to get the oil out. 40+ mill later it all fell to shyte. That is why the folks there are playing nice to us, they realized they screwed the pooch the first time.
tshirt front "born to die before I get old"
thshirt back "fscked another one didnja?"
     Sorry, BP - (mmoffitt) - (7)
         Heh heh... - (bepatient) - (6)
             This time? - (mmoffitt) - (5)
                 Well.. - (bepatient) - (4)
                     It so appears. - (mmoffitt) - (3)
                         On conspiracy theories... - (Another Scott) - (1)
                             One in the making? - (Ashton)
                         Oil and Pipelines in that area - (boxley)

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