Fortunately, I didn't have to wait longer than ~15 for that pliant Older Woman - and I had been ready for that anatomy lesson since quite earlier. Then too, (boys school) I'm grateful that our Official Queer guy was a genuinely fine chap, nonpredatory.. and he inadvertently defused / nullified inculcation of The Usual Murican homophobia - at least within our little school.

Concur on the rest, except you are changing the scale -- to the level of,
What {might be} any number of Saner societies than this permanently-broken Puritan-polluted one? Essay question, that -- but Easy.

One can.. conceive, construct protections of the young from the inevitable percent of despicable older, without inventing Draconian punishments for what amounts to -- violation of folkways, far more than 'mores'.

The [exploding?] multi-$B Pron Industry, now shepherded by Our Biggest Capitalist Symbols -- is all the factoid one needs to know, to begin to gauge the level of neurasthenia of Murican behavior.. only the Rapturin-Out folks can exceed the absurdity of our sexual dysfunction.

'Course too, we would both have been burned by now! merely a few decades ago - for allegedly thinking such thoughts. And there are plenty of wannabe Incendiaries today, just waiting for their funding from CompassionateFaith-based Govt. coffers - to begin building some new improved pyres, at the going new rates:

One more J. Jackson nipple on Prime Time (Farmily Valuez) Tee Vee == $500K.
Hours of nipples, at your friendly Corporate Hotel Chain == ~$50/night.

Hypocrites R'US