>If the *only* interest we had was bashing bin Laden and the al-Qaida, we'd have carpet bombed everything in sight. We do have other interests. We are seeking (to an extreme) to avoid civilian casualties. We are supporting efforts to organize, if not a "great" according to our standards, an effective and organized government.
If this were a purely military engagement, to demolish bin Laden and al-Qaida, Kabul would no longer exist. The cities currently held by the Taliban would have been bombed into rubble

Is US at war with Afghanistan? Or terrorists?

OBL or Taliban? You do know that Taliban is being "invited" to be part of the new government, don't you?

Did you happen to even take into consideration how US (a sovereign nation, member of the UN) has broken internation laws and treaties by bombing Afghanistan?

If it's not OK for the terrorists to attack US homeland, what makes it OK for US to bomb Afghanis'?

Because you're going after OBL? The terrorists were also going after your leadership, it just happens that Bush took off when the bombing began, oh wait, so did OBL...

And if the US was really concerned with Afghanistan, why the NA? And still, where's the proof?

As for the food drops, I'd say token gesture at best. I could be wrong.