Imric says:

your apparently firm belief that being Christian is to believe "you are more holy, more deserving than anyone else on the planet" despite the FACT that Christianity says something entirely different. In your prejudice, you classify all Christians in the most negative terms you can - and you shout it out at every opportunity.

Ashton says:

Then there is the person who parades his beliefs; sleeve or microphone. There are even such persons as will parade these with pom-pom and shako, as a choreographed part of a campaign for Office - in such a secular State.
Some may even claim that, God wanted me to become President {just shy, but not very-shy of claiming, She. Told. Me. So.}

And when such a person is elected, in such a secular State; when there is compelling evidence that many have chosen his leadership *because* of his professed beliefs and *despite* a litany of evidence of previous incompetent, fraudulent or insouciant behaviour in secular affairs in that secular Office:

I'd find it a wry twist to define opposition to this person/regime - via all legal means possible - to signify bigotry! One need not despise the tenet-holder to despise the tenet and its psycho-social consequences for all living creatures.

Where is the connection between your "person" and the people Imric is talking about? You take the worst (well, hardly worst... There really have been worse) example of somebody calling himself a "Christian", and pronounce a judjement on the whole religion. If that is not bigotry, what is?