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New Lost in the Translation
My wife and I rented that a couple weeks, or months ago. We turned it off about half way through 'cause it was boring and pointless and going nowhere.
Have fun,
Carl Forde
New Hmm. We really enjoyed it.
It was nothing like the advertisements (that tried to make it look like an SNL comedy skit). But when we realized that it wasn't going to be like that, we got into it and really enjoyed it.

Did you see him in "The Razor's Edge"? I thought Murry was good in that too.

Different strokes, I guess.

New Re: Hmm. We really enjoyed it.
"Groundhog Day" is a funny and surprisingly deep movie. He's great there as well. He has a hilarious side role as Bunny Breckenridge in "Ed Wood" (one of my favorite movies).
New Groundhog Day
I love that movie. It was a great concept and extremely well done. Another fun movie is What About Bob. A deep movie if you don't look too closely. The ending is a little too Hollywoodish & contrived though.

Have fun,
Carl Forde
New Re: Groundhog Day
I thought GD was profound - the message is, you can't make deals with Fate or God, you can't buy your way out of self-indulgence by service and exterior atonement - something the modern world should learn. You atone only by being a mensch, simply that and nothing else. Your only real duty is to be right with God - the rest follows almost automatically.

I compare it to "A Christmas Carol". Dickens seems to think that fear and loathing of damnation is the origin of morality. The moral climate of CC is repugnant in the extreme. (I admit to detesting Dickens.)

(A similar inversion can be found in the films "Forest Gump" and "Pulp Fiction" - the first is morally bankrupt in its false innocence, while the second reveals a spiritual message beneath its grimy exterior.)
New Re: Groundhog Day
One of very few films of past decade or so I deemed worth buying. Decidedly metaphysical; one can make as much of it as.. er, one Can. He's a real Actor; maybe it helps too, that he's not pretty (?)
New haven't seen that one
Have fun,
Carl Forde
New Re: Lost in the Translation
I didn't think so - it was nice to see two adults reach out to each other without instantly fumbling with their underwear. They *talked* to each other - what a concept.
New Re: Lost in the Translation -- Hated It
it was like Casablanca, if Ilsa and Rick had never had Paris

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New ??
It wasn't a romance - it was an encounter of lonely people who have more on their minds than orgasms. Of course it would never succeed here.
New I would expect an either/or with it.
Its one of those films that you will either get or not. If you don't get it (not intellectually like that...but more just an understanding of where Sophia was going with it) then it would be for that person a bad (nay terrible) movie.

If you push something hard enough, it will fall over. Fudd's First Law of Opposition

New Uh huh.
I saw it as a Rorschak too, of what both were fleeing from (same things, different things and in their different styles). That approach can make expressions and emotions clearer than the usual tack - just showing the 'attractions'.

I also found it a welcome antidote for the (entire genre) Action flics, none of which I'll watch for-free. Of course! it wouldn't score big-$$ in the USA - hell, it was about love! sans gyne exam titillations.
     Lost in Translation, Last Samurai, Day after Tomorrow - (bepatient) - (18)
         DaT - (pwhysall)
         Lost in the Translation - (cforde) - (11)
             Hmm. We really enjoyed it. - (Another Scott) - (5)
                 Re: Hmm. We really enjoyed it. - (deSitter) - (3)
                     Groundhog Day - (cforde) - (2)
                         Re: Groundhog Day - (deSitter) - (1)
                             Re: Groundhog Day - (Ashton)
                 haven't seen that one -NT - (cforde)
             Re: Lost in the Translation - (deSitter)
             Re: Lost in the Translation -- Hated It - (andread) - (3)
                 ?? - (deSitter) - (2)
                     I would expect an either/or with it. - (bepatient)
                     Uh huh. - (Ashton)
         Re: Lost in Translation, Last Samurai, Day after Tomorrow - (rcareaga) - (4)
             (Nothing to see.) -NT - (Another Scott)
             ICLRPD (new thread) - (Another Scott)
             You *have* seen Japanese movies w/o Toshiro Mifune, yes? - (FuManChu) - (1)
                 They *made* Japanese movies w/o Toshiro Mifune?? -NT - (rcareaga)

I'm the best there is at what I do. But what I do isn't very nice.
485 ms