Likely? Nah.

It is politics. Are you willing to
KNIFE the guy currently running the


No middle ground here.

You are stepping into his territory. He may
have a lot of buried bodies, bad decisions,
crappy designs, etc.

So, you make alliance with his boss, and have
a replacement candididate for the job waiting
in the wings. Because this guy will NOT be
helpful and will block you every way possible.

Then, you monitor. You get permission simply
to passively watch. You have to do it as cheaply
and non-intrusively as possible. You measure, and
you collect data. For a while.

You inject data streams from multiple endpoints.
And you have to have "control" streams to other
area to ensure lost data is not happening somewhere
else. This is voodoo as much as it is science,
so you have to have as much data as possible.

You then chart the data against what you consider
reasonable. And you present it FIRST to the network
guy and give him a chance to respond and add info
to your report. This is the ONLY chance you give
him to come clean and be helpful. If he is not,
you go on the warpath.

But this all depends on the data. You can voice NO
assumptions before you have it or you are backseat
driving whiner who has no clue. Even if you do, it
won't matter because you can't prove it.

Wanna explain the players to me?
Email if you want more.