One must recall however that.. the bra-burning occurred during an infantile, nay nascent period of Questioning Authority -- before it was recognized by females generally, that -- joining the Rebels on the barricades meant:

Drop drawers on command, do the cooking, washing, mailing - and always.. look up (from below) with rampant adoration: then.. Us Guys\ufffd might.. let you play too.

So the only flaw might be: that a couple of Their Females too, might just er review the Murican '60s-'70s and decide to skip the nascent stage and go directly to [your current Male-approved Version 1.b.1.02]. But this elides the initial step of: ingratiation at any cost. An essential step for the strategy to work.

Besides, infantile Infidels untutored in proper penis practice, 'cept in their dreams: faced with adult females unencumbered by the Taleban-process [they have plenty there already, given the films from the UK lass who interviewed a few] ...

just might find it less threatening.. to apply for a loaded body-suit and, let Allah provide the concupiscent ones who won't laugh at their ineptness (being Dead and all) [??]

Send back to committee for more strategic work, please. I'll pass it on to Anna deVere Smith and maybe Camille Paglia - for any bug-fixing I miss.

Ashton Revolutions Ltd.
Send us your tired, your pissed-on and some money.
We'll send back a SAP plan for social reconstruction.

Free consultation:
There *are* a few other ways to do things which do not rely upon endless and accelerating consumption - as both means and end. But the initial overhead is steep: kill all the lawyers, along with the priests. (that's free, Will S gave it away ~ 1600). Our blueprints are a bit dear however, as is the reward.

Ashton, CRO
Chief Revolutionary Officer