... and you should know me well enough, anyway, but the setup routine itself in Debian needs work. Even booting from a boot CD where everything is local, it was still a messy exercise. And installing from the 'net is too expensive an exercise here, otherwise I might really try it. So much that I admire the apt-get way and other things that sound good about Debian, I'm afraid it's not yet enough to get me to conquer it's installation method. (And besides, it left too much wierdness as an installed product. :-)

I'll have another look when the official v3 or v2.3 CDs come out. Promise. In the meantime, I will survive with the RH CDs that come on a magazine cover.

Wade, who posted this to gently remind Karsten that people do have - in their own minds - good reasons for not trying Debian just yet.