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New what's your point, exactly?
—Beyond the obvious, stupid one, that is.

Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist.
New tired of slow bleating, just amputation and get it over with
attempting to explain profiling doesn't require one to take a position for or against it any more than attempting to explain gravity requires one to be for or against gravity. Walter Williams
questions, help? [link|mailto:pappas@catholic.org|email pappas at catholic.org]
New My point is...
That we shouldn't be getting into fights for half ass reasons. I wasn't in favor of this to begin with.
Then, when we get into a fight, we have to use ALL MEANS to win. I don't believe in the Geneva convention. I believe in using large amounts of force to overwhelmingly destroy the enemy, achieve our objective and go home.

I believe in the war we fought in the same country in 1991. Vietnam would have not been fought the same way had I been Lyndon Johnson. We would have attacked the Northern Supply lines from the Chinese feeding North Vietnam. I would have just about destroyed every acre of North Vietnam and flooded the underground tunnels. Heck, I might have even started World War III by nuking the Chinese.

The point is we lost that war because of our 1/2 ass treatment of it, and we're losing in Iraq. Iraq will never be a democracy, not in 100 years. We need to pull back, steal as much oil as possible, then leave. Or we need to start WW III with the Arabs and nuke about 1/2 the middle east.

If I'm gonna fight, I don't mess around. That's the problem with the current Army, they want to have this BS police action and try to make Iraq a democracy which goes against just about everything that happens in Islam.

Glen Austin
New What, then, is the point of fighting?
We have it on our power, if we wish, to incinerate every population center of over 100,000 outside North America. Many, perhaps most of these, are populated by a plurality of people who do not love the You Ess of America. What's to stop us?

What would have been accomplished by nuking Vietnam? How would we be better off today? How would they be better off today?

If "ALL MEANS" are permissible in the pursuit of war, where do we get off objecting to the unpleasantness of 091101? Because no head of state authorized it?

Are you out of your mind?
Die Welt ist alles, was der Fall ist.
     What is a WAR anymore? - (gdaustin) - (8)
         what's your point, exactly? - (rcareaga) - (3)
             tired of slow bleating, just amputation and get it over with -NT - (boxley)
             My point is... - (gdaustin) - (1)
                 What, then, is the point of fighting? - (rcareaga)
         You actually signed your name to that? -NT - (tangaroa) - (2)
             Needless to say.... - (gdaustin) - (1)
                 Wow, your ethics suck - (jake123)
         Proof positive the Bible is an evil thing. -NT - (a6l6e6x)

Specifically, they will not save the ship and crew, they will not win a stack of quatloos, and they will especially not get to sleep
38 ms