
Red Hat Linux is delivered on four CDROMs (disc 1 through disc 4). Disc 1
can be directly booted into the installation on most modern systems, and
contains the following directory structure:

|----> RedHat
| |----> RPMS -- binary packages
| `----> base -- information on this release of Red Hat
| Linux used by the installation process
|----> images -- boot and ramdisk images
|----> dosutils -- installation utilities for DOS
|----> COPYING -- copyright information
|----> README -- this file
|----> RELEASE-NOTES -- the latest information about this release
| of Red Hat Linux
`----> RPM-GPG-KEY -- GPG signature for packages from Red Hat

Disc 2 is similar (only the RedHat subdirectory is present).

The directory layout of discs 3 and 4 is similar to the following:

|----> SRPMS -- source packages
|----> preview -- alpha and beta level packages (source
| and binary) for the adventurous user (may
| not be present in every release)
|----> COPYING -- copyright information
`----> RPM-GPG-KEY -- GPG signature for packages from Red Hat

If you are setting up an image for NFS, FTP, or HTTP installations, you
need to get everything from the RedHat directory from both disc 1 and
disc2. On Linux and Unix systems, the following process will properly
configure the /target/directory on your server.


I found the above confusing in that the disks aren't numbered 1 to 4 but SRPMS 1+2 & I386 1+2 - I originally downloaded the SRPMS
and as mentioned, noted that inside they are numbered 3 & 4. It has only now occured to me the SRPMS = Source RPMS but the 1+2 & 1+2 numbering is still b stupid as it is clearly open to misinterpretation.


Doug Marker