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New Re: A point being missed IMO

I can only offer to agree to diasagree with your 'perspective' on this - I had assumed we had reached the end of any attempt to find common ground on our differing depths of perception.


New Re: A point being missed IMO
I can only offer to agree to diasagree with your 'perspective' on this - I had assumed we had reached the end of any attempt to find common ground on our differing depths of perception.

Doug, you never attempted to find ground, you just kept saying the same thing over and over, and in rebuttal to what I asked you, bringing up other issues - but just bringing them up (like "doesn't the stability of Pakistan..." but no *explanation*).

So I find offense at the insinuation that you *did* do that. I explained best I could what I was saying, and just kept running into Glassian arguments.

As for your assumptions, well, as long as you keep pulling a Glass, I might well comment on said same - just as I would with Glass. I might decide its not worth it, like I often do with him, as well.

New Re: A point being missed IMO

We are so far apart on communicating that I did attempt to find one starting point we could either say yes or no to. We don't seem to reached that. What this tells me is that we may well have different styles of argument & debate. That is neither your or my fault.

In order not to get into name calling or insults or personal attacks, I feel we need to find a topic where we can see common ground, even if different aspects, then we might be able to make progress debating things.

I don't hold it against you or me if it transpires that we think in different ways and at different levels, thats life. The most progressive debates occur where each side asks for clarification without being insulting. That is one common area we haven't found during this Afghan Ramadan discussion.


(please take clear note that I have made no negative reflections on you at all - now you try & do the same)

     Why it's ok to blast away on Ramadan - (rsf) - (14)
         lexicorient.com - (broomberg) - (4)
             Re: The Ramadan issue - (dmarker2) - (3)
                 My strategy.... - (ChrisR) - (2)
                     Does Ke Sahn and Dien bien phiu ring a bell?(spelling sux) - (boxley) - (1)
                         Re: Does TET Offensive - (dmarker2)
         A point being missed IMO - (Silverlock) - (7)
             Re: A point being missed IMO - (dmarker2) - (6)
                 Re: A point being missed IMO - (addison) - (3)
                     Re: A point being missed IMO - (dmarker2) - (2)
                         Re: A point being missed IMO - (addison) - (1)
                             Re: A point being missed IMO - (dmarker2)
                 Something wrong with the logic? - (Silverlock) - (1)
                     Re: Something wrong with the logic? - (dmarker2)
         UK may halt bombing in Ramadan - (bluke)

I’d love to have either one win and then lose in a recount. Nice set-up for a faction fight.
53 ms