$VHOST == Attempt to obfuscate

# Virtual Host: perl.gregfolkert.net\n#####################################\n<VirtualHost *>\nServerAdmin greg@gregfolkert.net\nDocumentRoot $VHOST/net/perl/html\nServerName perl.gregfolkert.net\nErrorLog $VHOST/logs/perl.net.error_log\nCustomLog $VHOST/logs/perl.net.access_log full\nErrorDocument 404 /umm-oops.html\nScriptAlias /cgi-bin/ $VHOST/net/perl/cgi-bin/\n        <Directory $VHOST/net/perl/cgi-bin/>\n            AllowOverride None\n            Options ExecCGI\n            Order allow,deny\n            Allow from all\n        </Directory>\n</VirtualHost>

If you need more help... lemme know. You don't really need the st.at.ic.ip:port number. As long as that is sepcified in the main conf area. The SSL stuff only needs to be there if you have it on by default.

Also if the vhost setup isn't right... well it'll default to the first defined host. And if vhost is setup isn't proper... you will only get the "default" .