...And you DO enjoy it, it's obvious. Every "depressed" person I ever knew enjoyed it. When I was depressed, I enjoyed it. There is a gigantic difference between sadness and depression. Sadness and grief are natural reactions to loss. It might last years. Depression is a defensive reaction the narcissict throws up to maintain the narcissistic supply, even if it does have to come from the narcissist himself.

Well, you didn't know me, but I did NOT enjoy my depression. Mine was however, a chemical imbalance, and it messed me up in ways I can't explain well. I didn't eat right, sleep right, function right, nothing. I drove my car off into a ditch and luckily, the chemical problem was discovered.

The entire time I was depressed, I was confused as to why, didn't get it, and didn't understand it. I certainly didn't enjoy it. I wish I had sought help sooner, but it was kinda like the illness of "Walking Pneumonia" you didn't know you had it till you collapsed.

Nightowl >8#