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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New I've been unable to post, too...
New job...Been somewhat paranoid about the Internet policy because they do use account proxies to go out to the Internet, so your individual web pages ARE tracked (not just to the machine, but the proxy id).

Do your best with the substitute, while you're in class. I'd like to hear his views on why IT Offshoring is occurring.

After the class is over, report him to the department head and he won't substitute again. Basically disclose all the diatribe about the offshoring and he won't work for the U. again, if he's not on staff already. They may put up with that crap for a tenured guy, but they won't tolerate it for a substitute. For a non-tenured substitute, they won't have much mercy.

Finally, I'd kind of like to hear his views on this, because I do have a belief that IT Offshoring is occurring because our government chose not to fund 4 year Universities at a level where they could produce top quality graduates. In addition, they have failed to make IT an "attractive profession", or even professional, and as such, only small niches of IT (like database administration, network administration) have the kind of crediblity one would give a professional person.

And that part is sad. University department heads have not kept pace with technology, and as such, the best and brightest in the fields like AI and database, and languages are foreigners. Also, Universities fail to pay a living wage to professors. I would agree with all that. Finally, Universities are just not embracing professional certification as a path to higher esteem.

However, if the substitute is blaming a student for IT Offshoring, then he's just a freakin' idiot (and probably a poor teacher, too). Let me guess, "you people are stupid and lazy, don't try, and the foriegn guys can learn better than you".

If I was told that in 1982, I'd probably be an accountant or banker today.

Instead, I found some "cool new things" like Pascal, Lotus 1-2-3, IBM PCs, Commodore 64's, Zenith Z120s, and some encouragement from some great professors, who convinced me that there was a "great future unknown" in this relatively new business thing called "computers". By the time I graduated in 1986, I had already written multiple papers using a WordStar Word Processor, worked with MultiPlan and Lotus 1-2-3, learned BasicA and Turbo Pascal, and even got exposed to a "brand new" language called C.

OOPS, forgot about the mainframe COBOL and SAS, too.

Glen Austin
Collapse Edited by gdaustin Dec. 23, 2003, 10:25:12 PM EST
I've been unable to post, too...
New job...Been somewhat paranoid about the Internet policy because they do use account proxies to go out to the Internet, so your individual web pages ARE tracked (not just to the machine, but the proxy id).

Do your best with the substitute, while you're in class. I'd like to hear his views on why IT Offshoring is occurring.

After the class is over, report him to the department head and he won't substitute again. Basically disclose all the diatribe about the offshoring and he won't work for the U. again, if he's not on staff already. They may put up with that crap for a tenured guy, but they won't tolerate it for a substitute. For a non-tenured substitute, they won't have much mercy.

Finally, I'd kind of like to hear his views on this, because I do have a belief that IT Offshoring is occurring because our government chose not to fund 4 year Universities at a level where they could produce top quality graduates. In addition, they have failed to make IT an "attractive profession", or even professional, and as such, only small niches of IT (like database administration, network administration) have the kind of crediblity one would give a professional person.

And that part is sad. University department heads have not kept pace with technology, and as such, the best and brightest in the fields like AI and database, and languages are foreigners. Also, Universities fail to pay a living wage to professors. I would agree with all that. Finally, Universities are just not embracing professional certification as a path to higher esteem.

However, if the substitute is blaming a student for IT Offshoring, then he's just a freakin' idiot (and probably a poor teacher, too). Let me guess, "you people are stupid and lazy, don't try, and the foriegn guys can learn better than you".

If I was told that in 1982, I'd probably be an accountant or banker today.

Instead, I found some "cool new things" like Pascal, Lotus 1-2-3, IBM PCs, Commodore 64's, Zenith Z120s, and some encouragement from some great professors, who convinced me that there was a "great future unknown" in this relatively new business thing called "computers". By the time I graduated in 1986, I had already written multiple papers using a WordStar Word Processor, worked with MultiPlan and Lotus 1-2-3, learned BasicA and Turbo Pascal, and even got exposed to a "brand new" language called C.

Glen Austin
New Welcome back, Glen!
shrub\ufffdbish (Am., from shrub + rubbish, after the derisive name for America's 43 president; 2003) n. 1. a form of nonsensical political doubletalk wherein the speaker attempts to defend the indefensible by lying, obfuscation, or otherwise misstating that facts; GIBBERISH. 2. any of a collection of utterances from America's putative 43rd president. cf. BULLSHIT
     Been a bad week - (orion) - (16)
         Keep writing - (tuberculosis)
         Sorry to hear that! - (Nightowl)
         ask for an incomplete (I grade) - (deSitter) - (13)
             I've decided to go to class - (orion) - (12)
                 Typical Republican - (deSitter) - (8)
                     I am going to apply for an I - (orion) - (7)
                         Re: I am going to apply for an I - (deSitter) - (2)
                             Brain swimming - (orion)
                             So much to do, so little time - (orion)
                         Sorry to hear that! - (Nightowl) - (3)
                             Getting slowly better - (orion) - (2)
                                 Well, get lots of rest - (Nightowl) - (1)
                                     My son is getting better - (orion)
                 Choices: 1) demand Inc. 2) barf all over the pedant. - (Ashton)
                 I've been unable to post, too... - (gdaustin) - (1)
                     Welcome back, Glen! -NT - (jb4)

Jane! Jane, get me off this crazy thing!
52 ms