[link|http://guildenstern.dyndns.org/pics/tech/screenies/screenshot_30-nov-2003_apps.png|Apps] (893K PNG image)
[link|http://guildenstern.dyndns.org/pics/tech/screenies/tn/screenshot_30-nov-2003_noapps.png.html|No Apps] (1.5M PNG image)

Here's my current setup. Not very different from last time (fonts have increased size as I've gone from 1024x768 on a 15" monitor to 1280x1024 on an 18" LCD). The change of monitor will also account for the fact that my fonts look somewhat peculiar to the majority of you - the Dell 1800FP is a BGR device and my subpixel font antialiasing is configured accordingly.

This is GNOME 2.4 with the Industrial theme, which is part of the gnome-themes-extras package. The wallpaper is pinched from Solaris 9. Operating system is Debian unstable on a 2.4.22 kernel, with experimental pinned at priority 1000. This is beyond the bleeding edge, somewhere in the turbulence :)

In the notification area, you can see Rhythmbox and GAIM. The next icon is Acme, which makes the extra keys and volume control on my keyboard work. Gweather says it's a nice November day.

The mightiest of all IRC clients, X-Chat 2, is providing me with my spoddy connectivity. There's a gnome-terminal in the top right, where I'm showing off my chunky bogomips score.

XQF's beautiful Quake 3 icon is from the extra icons package available from [link|http://art.gnome.org|http://art.gnome.org].

Application font is Bitstream Vera Sans, web font is Bitstream Vera Serif.