er de rigeur defense of the indefensible ?? that actual exchange of insights might just.. prove possible at zIWE ! :-\ufffd

The species *has* learned one or two things since er 0 BCE.

I now have to go back to those tapes of Bohm et al, and try to see Bohm with a bit more comprehension. (I already appreciate Krishnamurti for what he attempted - to bring Westerners somewhat up-to-speed on some pretty old stuff; but others have done that better IMhO)

Methinks we have to soon start developing a well.. "language of Heart?" so as to complement our over-developed intellects - somehow freed of sectarian cant, and prior conditioning. This especially in the West - and somehow averting the sentimentalism seen in the Bowdlerization of both Western and Eastern (gawd that once good word is so abused!) paradigms.


(Actually, IMnsHO - my feeling especially of late.. is, unless we succeed in bringing our best minds & hearts to a more global understanding of (our er 'position here'?), I believe our techno- capabilities shall render all growth in common, widespread! awareness: moot.)



anti- sic transit Gloria mundi