You should be able to get one for less than $100 and maybe even less that $50 if you need just a few minutes of UP time.

Thanks for that information :) I talked with John about it, but unless the power outages become more and more frequent, he says we really don't need one right now.

Besides, I'd rather him build his new computer so he can stop using his Pentium 60. ;) And that will be expensive enough.

At least he bought me a rechargeable battery lamp so that if the power goes out anymore, I can at least get some things DONE and not sit in the dark!!! I'm sorry I flipped out in here about it, but I only have three weeks before his vacation starts and around 4 weeks (give or take a day) before we leave for our NM trip, so I'm trying to get everything done on time! (Preparation, pre-mailing Christmas cards, Christmas shopping, etc etc etc).

Thanks for the information though, and I'll certainly keep it in mind. ;) Hey, maybe I can put it on my Christmas list!

Nightowl >8#