First off, Arnold isn't in the White House fabricating phony budget surpluses and selling out foreign policy to the highest bidder

You've just described the current White House resident perfectly.

Just because you ignore things doesn't mean they aren't happening. Get over yourself.

Speaking of double standards, were you as outraged over Clinton's treatment of Paula Jones and all the rest as you are about Schwarzenegger's? Just asking.

Clinton's "treatment of Paula Jones and all the rest" occurred before he was elected and while in office. I didn't know about any of it until it was reported. Ditto for what Arnold has done over the past few decades. I'm not outraged at either person - it just goes to show that certain people in power abuse their position; doesn't matter which political party they belong to.

I see that you've already gotten over Arnold's treating women like pieces of meat. Oh never gave a damn in the first place. So why did you get so bent out of shape when Clinton treated them exactly the same way?