IWETHEY v. 0.3.0 | TODO
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New Whoops. User error I guess.
It's working OK now after I killed JunkBuster. Hmm... I killed Lynx, restarted JunkBuster and it still works. :-/

I did accept the cookie before sending my previous note.

Sorry for the false alarm. I guess it was some user issue on my end. Thanks for fixing whatever the problem was with 0.2.x!

New A note on junkbuster...
Make sure Junkbuster is set to accept cookies from the site.

I haven't fixed the issue so much as worked around it. :-/

I still don't know why some browsers don't continue sending auth info.

I suppose I could store the user value in the session too... Zope doesn't seem to come with built-in sessioning, however, unless you add a Product to do so.

-scott anderson
New And on WebWasher - FWIW
Simply, have to click on WW icon = big X says 'OFF'. Before! clicking link to zIWE (or if you forget; kill WW and reload [shift] for bypass cache: Login then OK. WW back on.. not that you need it here :-)

but you might forget, on going to FlyingOtters.org

     Typo. Lynx. - (Another Scott) - (4)
         Are you getting the cookie? - (admin) - (3)
             Whoops. User error I guess. - (Another Scott) - (2)
                 A note on junkbuster... - (admin) - (1)
                     And on WebWasher - FWIW - (Ashton)

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