First off, I've got a few score disks lying around here.


Second: it's got pretty much all the tools you could want. As well as web browsers and related goodness to allow Net access and Real Work to happen while you're transferring 60 GB of pr0n^WValued Data™. Not to mention fileystem support and other goodies.


Third, much as I like it, Tom's Root Boot is a bit thing. It works in an emergency (and I definitely use, abuse, and love it for what it is). But 1.7 MB is just to thin.


Fourth: as a decent fallback, the LNX-BBC is handy, useful, and almost always sufficien to the task for jobs like this. Granted it has fewer toys, but it is pretty full-featured in the niche of system recovery tools.


Elegance aside, you're quibbling over $0.40 worth of clear plastic. That seems just plain argumentitive. Some of us have work to do, and use the tools available.


I mean, if you could fit a D-9 Cat in your back pocket, and dig planting holes with it, easily, without disturbing the rest of the garden, would you refuse just on principle? Your choice, not mine.