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Welcome to IWETHEY!

New Dupe via dopish click.
Like ATM.

In the end it's pure Econ-MBA-accounting: and a further reduction of the kinds of jobs ~ checkout, for which a certain large segment of any population is.. well suited. All those who really Cannot accumulate and absorb the massive amount of excruciatingly trivial details of the techno-Way of digitizing all things of life:

These are the lawful prey of the callow-MBA and his Hey! Look-at-Me! Cost-saving proposals to management.

So then - where shall These People go?
Is guaranteed perpetual poverty our solution for all those who can be excellent craftspersons, say - but not parse Boolean menus?

Hmm - maybe they could be retrained to do COBOL, per another thread. I can see my excellent mechanic now... locked in That classroom.

Me? I usually go where there's a person involved: may be my last chance each week! - to see anything but machines in 'stores'. Or banks. Or -
(Let's not even think about the 'middle-class' - umm is that where we assign the sterotypical-PHB? - who prolly could Not put tab-A into slot-B on a bet, when that becomes: the only next opening for him.)

Ashton Sociology Puzzles LLC
Collapse Edited by Ashton Aug. 26, 2003, 07:45:14 PM EDT
Convenience - yes
Like ATM.

In the end it's pure Econ-MBA-accounting: and a further reduction of the kinds of jobs ~ checkout, for which a certain large segment of any population is.. well suited. All those who really Cannot accumulate and absorb the massive amount of excruciatingly trivial details of the techno-Way of digitizing all things of life:

These are the lawful prey of the callow-MBA and his Hey! Look-at-Me! Cost-saving proposals to management.

So then - where shall These People go?
Is guaranteed perpetual poverty our solution for all those who can be excellent craftspersons, say - but not parse Boolean menus?

Hmm - maybe they could be retrained to do COBOL, per another thread. I can see my excellent mechanic now... locked in That classroom.

Me? I usually go where there's a person involved: may be my last chance each week! - to see anything but machines in 'stores'. Or banks. Or -
(Let's not even think about the 'middle-class' - umm is that where we assign the sterotypical-PHB? - who prolly could Not put tab-A into slot-B on a bet, when that becomes: the only next opening for him.)

Ashton Sociology Puzzles LLC
     Self-checkout systems create market for thieves - (lincoln) - (14)
         I Hate Home Despot's Self-Checkout System - (altmann) - (9)
             I love those things. - (admin) - (8)
                 No one uses them. Therefore no line :) -NT - (altmann) - (6)
                     Nope. - (admin) - (5)
                         Convenience - yes - (Ashton) - (2)
                             While I'm on a roll re: ATM's - (altmann)
                             Sorry, don't agree. - (admin)
                         Dupe via dopish click. - (Ashton)
                         When there's Four Self-Checks open, and two live checkers... - (gdaustin)
                 Re: I love those things. - (lincoln)
         Slight note, my bank card agreement does not - (boxley) - (3)
             Self checkout solution - (orion) - (2)
                 I have a dozen ways to get your pin without you knowing -NT - (boxley) - (1)
                     The easiest being - (jbrabeck)

The OldManFu MoJo you got is impressive.
136 ms