since none of the "major" universities in the country will cut back on the number of football or basketball coaches, stop spending millions on new weight rooms and athlete-only dorms, and let's not even go into the hundreds of millions spent over the years to expand (or build brand new) football and basketball arenas, all to satisfy the hunger for athletic excellance by the clueless alumni who live vicariously through the seasonal achievments of these "student athletes". The sad thing is that almost every one of these universities are state run, so all of these expenditures come out of the taxpayers pocket. So where do the taxpayers get a return on their investment? When the basketball team gets picked for one of the 64 slots for the NCAA basketball championship? When the multi-million dollar salaried head coach takes a team that has a barely better than .500 football team to a "lesser" bowl game?

How many universities built magnificent Taj Mahals to host their sports teams, and to make the state and federal governments happy (to get all of those taxpayer dollars) they made sure each place had a few rooms that actually get used as classrooms, sometimes by non-athlete students. Imagine that!